Pro-tips: Paste this content into a dedicated page named “Style guide”. Convert each color style below to global swatches so they can be used in text, borders, backgrounds, and gradients. To do this, select a color style element, navigate to the Background Color section in the Style panel, edit the color, and add it as a global swatch.
Mont Bold 67.33999633789062px/68px
Mont Bold 50.52000045776367px/60px
Mont Bold 37.900001525878906px/47px
Mont Bold 28.43000030517578px/38px
Mont Bold 21.329999923706055px/30.799999237060547px
Mont Bold 19px/30.799999237060547px
Montserrat Alternates Medium 16px/22.399999618530273px
Montserrat Alternates Medium 13.319999694824219px/19.799999237060547px
Main green - #8BA221
Main yellow - #FFCC00
Dark green - #7D806A
white - #FFFFFF
black - #28291F